Coaching for

impactful challenging engaging better beneficial

money conversations.

Trove guides advisors to use behavioral assessment insights to drive more meaningful money conversations.

Uncover your investing personality with DataPoints.
Learn about money scripts
The Building Wealth Model - DataPoints
What are money attitudes?

trove (n) :
a discovery, find.

What do you find in your money conversations?

When you understand a client’s personality, ask in-depth questions, and listen at the right time, you can find a trove of insights to help you help your client.

Sign up for a Trove session, and unlock a wealth of insights during each client interaction.

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Get to know the Trove leaders.
Ashley Quamme

Ashley Quamme, LMFT, FBS®, CFT-I™

Head of Advisor Training
Financial Therapy, Financial Coaching, Financial Behavior Specialist®

Sarah Stanley Fallaw, Ph.D.

President, DataPoints
Psychology, Psychometrics, Test Design, and Data Analytics Insights

The results.

"[Ashley's] insights into our clients' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours around money helped us build deeper relationships with clients, provide better advice, and differentiate our service. Highly recommend."
David O'Leary, KindWealth
"Understanding our frugality differences has allowed us set better expectations of each other and work together easier."
Financial Coaching Client
"Because these tools are generated through responses from the clients, it gets you a level of buy-in that’s more readily accepted. It also gives focus, helps couples see differences, and generally gives you a great baseline. I use them regularly!"
Financial Coach

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