DataPoints is proud to partner and affiliate with organizations who value the science of building wealth. For more information about partnerships and affiliations, including discounted partnerships, reach us at

Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education® (AFCPE®) ensures the highest level of knowledge, skill, and integrity of the personal finance profession by certifying, connecting, and supporting diverse professionals who serve communities worldwide. Our comprehensive certification programs represent the gold standard for financial counseling, coaching, and education, including the AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor®) certification which is accredited by NCCA and nationally recognized by CFPB and Department of Defense. DataPoints customers received discounts off of AFCPE membership & training. Visit the AFCPE at

Financial therapy is a process informed by both therapeutic and financial competencies that helps people think, feel, and behave differently with money to improve overall well-being through evidence-based practices and interventions. With this combined approach informed by both therapeutic and financial competencies, financial therapists are equipped to help people reach their financial goals by thoughtfully addressing financial challenges, while at the same time, attending to the emotional, psychological, behavioral, and relational hurdles that are intertwined.

Learn more about the Financial Therapy Association here.

Research teams working in the Lab are focused on improving the financial planning experience for financial planners and their clients. Research conducted in the Lab is focused on three areas: (1) the assessment of financial risk tolerance, (2) developing a better understanding of the behavioral aspects of financial planning, and (3) evaluating the interactions between clients and financial planners in clinical and applied situations. The Lab is the nation’s only applied clinical facility designed to obtain evidence about the effectiveness of the financial planning process. Research from the Lab is used to:

  • Help financial planners improve client outcomes through enhanced planner-client interactions.
  • Improve financial planning teaching at the college level.
  • Inform policy to improve consumer outcomes.
  • Develop models related to behavioral financial planning.

For more information about the financial planning program at the University of Georgia visit

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) is the premier professional association for the science and practice of I-O psychology. While an independent organization with its own governance, SIOP also represents Division 14 of the American Psychological Association and is an organizational affiliate of the Association for Psychological Science. Dr. Sarah Fallaw is a member of SIOP. Learn more about SIOP here.

Proud partner of XYPN! XYPN is the only turnkey advice and planning platform that makes it possible for fee-for-service financial advisors to build the independent firm of their dreams with complete autonomy. Learn more about XYPN here.

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Email for more information about partnership opportunities.