Why Heirs Leave

Between 2007 and 2061, it is estimated that $59 trillion will be transferred from one generation to another. This week in the Wall Street Journal, Alex Davidson addressed how this transfer is impacting financial advisors in an adverse manner. Some cures to the problem offered in the article include ensuring that a relationship is established early with the heir, using technology as part of the financial planning/investment management process, creating videos or having clients …
Back in 1999, I worked as a consultant to a large fiber-optic cable company that was staffing a new plant in Pennsylvania. For months, our crew of grad students and industrial psychologists administered validated tests, interviews, and work samples to thousands of potential candidates to fill manufacturing roles. In the work sample, applicants had to coil thin, translucent cables into circles and pack them into thick, zipper-top bags while racing against a clock. Only some …
Leaders tend to fall somewhere on the “transactional-transformational leadership” spectrum. A transactional leader typically uses the exchange of rewards for performance and focuses on keeping everyone in line in order to meet his and the organization’s goals. The transformational leader, on the other hand, focuses on the intrinsic needs of team members, motivating performance by ensuring the interests and goals of the team members and the organization are aligned. The transformational leaders I’ve worked with …
How will you spend the day after Thanksgiving? Here’s some research that might influence your decision. In our 2015 survey of affluent Americans–a group that represents the top wealth holders in the United States–we asked how many times they participated in in-store Black Friday shopping in the past five years. Only 2% said they had participated each of the past five years, 14% said they had participated once or twice, and 3% said they had …

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