Always Say No? Always Say Yes? Which Is It? Warren Buffet is cited for the wisdom that “the difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” Over the years I’ve heard any number of snippets of advice from Mr. Buffet and I have to concede that I usually find myself nodding in agreement with his folksy, common-sense perspective. It’s hard to argue with his …
Article Title: Aging and Altruism: A Meta-Analysis Publication: Psychology and Aging Authors: Erika P. Sparrow, Liyana T. Swirsky, Farrah Kudus, and Julia Spaniol Older = More Altruistic? Previous research and theories related to altruism and aging have suggested that most of us become more selfless and “nicer” as we age. Altruism is generally defined as a tendency towards decisions that promote the welfare of others at some cost to ourselves. Most scientific research has shown that …
Uncover Client Money Mindset with Financial Personality Tests Client personality relates to saving, spending, and investing decisions. How does your firm measure client personality? Financial professionals use our library of behavioral assessments to uncover client financial psychology and provide financial advice, guidance, and coaching. Learn more about our financial personality tests, and discover which ones are right for your practice. Building Wealth Identify and guide client financial behaviors with the Building Wealth test. The …
The gradual migration away from the traditional defined benefit pension plan and toward the new-normal of the defined contribution 401(k) plan is on its surface a paradigm shift that can only be good for corporate profits … right? Undoubtedly the offloading of the burdensome pension liability that employers previously shouldered to the ranks of employees is saving corporate employers big money in pension expense, but new data is suggesting that the new retirement-plan model is creating …
“Not having enough money for retirement” was the most common financial concern for Americans according to a report from Gallup. Approximately 60% of Americans were very/moderately worried about money for retirement, followed by “not being able to pay for medical costs of a serious illness/accident” (55% very/moderately worried), and then by “not being able to maintain the standard of living you enjoy” (46% very/moderately worried). Approximately 50% of Americans are “very” or “moderately” worried about three …