If you are a consumer of personal finance content like I am, you have by now undoubtedly heard one commentator or another derisively dismiss the idea of even mentioning the long-term cost of a daily Starbucks trip. They don’t want to hear about it—it’s a trope to be ignored. And this derision is coming from otherwise competent and professional personal finance sources. This phenomenon got me thinking: what’s going on here? Surely Commentator X …
Sometime around 2000, I gambled some of my money away while fooling myself into thinking I was doing something very sophisticated. I wasn’t in Las Vegas: I was sitting at my computer buying shares of Krispy Kreme Donuts on eTrade. I had seen the front page of Forbes or Fortune or some other publication touting the company’s success and its future prospects, and decided on my own, without seeking the counsel of my wiser …
We recently met with Bill Winterberg from FPPad to demonstrate the DataPoints platform for advisors and chat about financial planning, what keeps all of us from succeeding in meeting our goals, and how behavioral science can help us improve our financial decisions. In this video, you’ll see how behavioral assessments can identify key wealth factors and how a framework for talking about financial decisions allows for better conversations and guidance. Watch the demo here, …
Who will you pick to do the work that matters most to you? There are problems to be solved, ideas to grow, and injustices that need to be addressed. Who have you decided will take on these tasks and this work? If you are considering the creation of a new business, volunteer effort, or any other project where YOU will be the one doing the important work, then you are considering “picking yourself”. Here …
Much of the power and allure of social media for small and mid-size businesses is its simultaneously attractive qualities of cost (i.e., free without using ad features) and power in the opportunity to grab the attention of customers and fans. At DataPoints, for example, we typically use social media to share insights regarding the topics of psychology and wealth, our product updates or releases, and interesting research results. There are professional benefits, too, outside …

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