Who will you pick to do the work that matters most to you? There are problems to be solved, ideas to grow, and injustices that need to be addressed. Who have you decided will take on these tasks and this work? If you are considering the creation of a new business, volunteer effort, or any other project where YOU will be the one doing the important work, then you are considering “picking yourself”. Here …
Can your organization thrive if its strategy doesn’t align with operations? Maybe. Maybe you’ll be successful despite this misalignment; maybe for a short time at least. For a short time, if you have a stellar pool of talented advisors and leaders, loyal clients, and awesome products and services, then the misalignment can be masked for a while. Eventually, however, top talent will recognize the disconnect and leave–or worse, become disengaged, potentially leading to desertion …
A transformational leader can utter the words “I messed up” even once seated in the c-suite. Accepting responsiblity is challenging for most, but it is particularly so for those in leadership roles. While working as an organizational consultant in graduate school, I saw this play out in a way that was less than ideal. My colleague and I had prepared a presentation for a prospective client: we included numbers, statistics, data – here’s how our product can impact …
I know elementary school teachers, coaches, and your parents told you that all that matters is that you do your best. Unfortunately, they all lied to you. The professor who wrote this was responding to a fictional (albeit realistic) scenario: how would you respond to a student who asked for a grade change on a project because she “worked so hard on it?” The idea that you could work hard on something and not …
Why is it that you are not wealthy? Perhaps it is because you are not pursuing opportunities that exist in the marketplace. – The Millionaire Next Door, page 211 Great entrepreneurs find novel and marketable solutions to meaningful problems. This characteristic hasn’t changed since 1996 when The Millionaire Next Door was published, although technology has changed the nature of the problems. Last night, at the Atlanta Startup Village’s monthly meetup, the leaders of five companies …