“Leakage” From Retirement Savings Accounts Impair Employee Retirement Prospects and Employer Bottom Line. What to Do?

The gradual migration away from the traditional defined benefit pension plan and toward the new-normal of the defined contribution 401(k) plan is on its surface a paradigm shift that can only be good for corporate profits … right? Undoubtedly the offloading of the burdensome pension liability that employers previously shouldered to the ranks of employees is saving corporate employers big money in pension expense, but new data is suggesting that the new retirement-plan model is creating …
Between 2007 and 2061, it is estimated that $59 trillion will be transferred from one generation to another. This week in the Wall Street Journal, Alex Davidson addressed how this transfer is impacting financial advisors in an adverse manner. Some cures to the problem offered in the article include ensuring that a relationship is established early with the heir, using technology as part of the financial planning/investment management process, creating videos or having clients …
There is so much we are thankful for this year…and here’s just a very short list: Our DataPoints team – for the time and dedication in working through the ups and downs of getting a business off the ground Our clients who have embraced behavioral science as a means to effectively work with their clients to ensure financial success Our advisors, partners, and beta users who have given us feedback, challenged our assumptions, and pushed …
According to Dalbar’s 2015 Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB), the worst gap between market and investor performance in the past 30 years was in October 2008 when, as the report states, the S&P 500 index lost 16.8% but investors lost a little over 24%. There are, of course, many psychological factors that explain the disparity: behavioral finance biases that model why investors act irrationally. However, to be able to anticipate this behavior, and …
Can you identify the wealth-building potential of your prospective or potential clients? Is the coaching and financial mentoring you give to your clients based on an objective measure of their wealth-related behaviors? We are very pleased to announce the release of our new research report, Financial Behaviors & Wealth Potential. The report describes how using behavioral-based assessments can identify and develop one’s potential for building wealth. Applied broadly, measuring Wealth Potential can allow large institutions and firms …

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