The Investing Mistakes of Millionaires (And The Rest of Us)

Sometime around 2000, I gambled some of my money away while fooling myself into thinking I was doing something very sophisticated. I wasn’t in Las Vegas: I was sitting at my computer buying shares of Krispy Kreme Donuts on eTrade. I had seen the front page of Forbes or Fortune or some other publication touting the company’s success and its future prospects, and decided on my own, without seeking the counsel of my wiser …
Always a teacher, my father loved uncovering hidden trends in the economy, in consumer behavior, and in marketing research, and then sharing them with others. He loved reading articles in newspapers, cutting them out, making notes all over the margins, and then turning those findings into essays on how individuals approach money. I would share articles and summaries from academic journals with him, and (after grading them) he would relate their scientific findings to …
Would you hire a professional advisor based on his or her social media profile? While examining the tables and data in the chapter titled “Time, Energy, and Money” in The Millionaire Next Door, I reread the section titled “Who are your suppliers?” It reads in part: How did you hire your household’s financial advisor? Did you list the position in the help-wanted section of your local newspaper? Did you evaluate the stacks of resumes your …
Data Points is changing the way institutions and individuals understand the nature of wealth-building. I am excited to announce the members of Data Points’ advisory board, a group that will provide expertise as Data Points continues to develop products and services based on Dr. Thomas J. Stanley’s research. Each advisor brings wisdom in his respective field and will help propel our business forward. …
In the introduction to The Millionaire Next Door, a question is asked in the voice of the reader: How come I am not wealthy? The authors state: Many people ask this question of themselves all the time. Often they are hard-working, well-educated, high-income people. Why, then, are so few affluent? As I am rereading The Millionaire Next Door, as many of you are, I’m reminded of the reason the work of defining wealth in …

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