Wealth and Black Friday Psychology

As we approach Thanksgiving in the United States, the bustle of life may seem to be slowing. That calm, however, is underscored by the advertising and enticements of retailers hoping to move into the black side of the ledger for the year on the day after the holiday of gratitude. Otherwise known as Black Friday. Indeed so many of us will go shopping on that day that it will almost appear that everyone is …
There is so much we are thankful for this year…and here’s just a very short list: Our DataPoints team – for the time and dedication in working through the ups and downs of getting a business off the ground Our clients who have embraced behavioral science as a means to effectively work with their clients to ensure financial success Our advisors, partners, and beta users who have given us feedback, challenged our assumptions, and pushed …
How will you spend the day after Thanksgiving? Here’s some research that might influence your decision. In our 2015 survey of affluent Americans–a group that represents the top wealth holders in the United States–we asked how many times they participated in in-store Black Friday shopping in the past five years. Only 2% said they had participated each of the past five years, 14% said they had participated once or twice, and 3% said they had …

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