Beyond Knowledge: Changing Wealth Behaviors

A recent study from Wells Fargo and Gallup found that approximately 21% of 401(k) participants take out loans or early withdrawals from these plans. Many employees are not quite familiar with the tax consequences that go along with such behaviors. The basics of good money management, while not universally taught, can be identified and learned. Financial literacy is a necessary first step in ensuring individuals make sound financial decisions. However, it is only one …
Beginning in 1995 and then more broadly in 2000, the Social Security Administration (SSA) began mailing hard copy statements of estimated benefits to workers (the “Statements”; see the the SSA website). Included in the Statements were available disability insurance (DI) benefits and estimated monthly benefits at certain retirement ages, along with other information. The SSA stopped sending the Statements in 2011 for budget reasons but restarted the program in 2014. How did the Statements affect …

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