Picking Yourself Requires Some Serious Planning

Who will you pick to do the work that matters most to you? There are problems to be solved, ideas to grow, and injustices that need to be addressed. Who have you decided will take on these tasks and this work? If you are considering the creation of a new business, volunteer effort, or any other project where YOU will be the one doing the important work, then you are considering “picking yourself”. Here …
Race through your work, and loudly proclaim you are finished. Such is the pattern of some elementary school students (and adults, by the way). You’ll undoubtedly see this tonight: kids racing up to a door, quickly getting their reward (and hopefully saying thank you…or at the least, “trick or treat”), and then they are off to the next task, the next house. A wise teacher in one of my children’s classes is teaching that in …
Why is it that you are not wealthy? Perhaps it is because you are not pursuing opportunities that exist in the marketplace. – The Millionaire Next Door, page 211 Great entrepreneurs find novel and marketable solutions to meaningful problems. This characteristic hasn’t changed since 1996 when The Millionaire Next Door was published, although technology has changed the nature of the problems. Last night, at the Atlanta Startup Village’s monthly meetup, the leaders of five companies …
Thoughtful career writers will correctly point out that self-employment isn’t for everyone. Just as being a surgeon or a carpenter isn’t for everyone, we have unique characteristics that allow us to be more successful in some jobs or endeavors versus others. This principle applies with equal force in the arena of entrepreneurship: being self-employed requires certain competencies in order to be successful. Even finer distinctions can be made within self-employment, too, so here I’m …

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