Not Just Literacy: Some Control Required

Control. Control. You must learn control. – Yoda, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Approximately 57% of Americans are financially literate, typically measured by answering simple financial literacy questions correctly. The work of Anna Maria Lusardi and her colleagues have demonstrated the woeful state of the world related to financial knowledge and education in the United States and around the world. Often, this group of researchers measures financial literacy with a few …
As you make your way into midlife you will inevitably encounter a growing number of peers who are on the verge of or who have already dissolved their marriages. For many of these couples, the self-reported cause of marital discord is disagreement over finances. In fact, financial disagreements are stronger predictors of divorce than other marital disagreements, based on research from Kansas State University. The researchers studied over 4,500 couples and examined a variety of marital and financial factors. Assuming a …
A data point is a measurement or set of measurements of a single member of a particular population. For the financial services industry, client data typically include age, income, net worth, investable assets, risk tolerance, attitudes, and perhaps big data (with or without theory). This information is traditionally used to describe wealth groups (e.g., mass affluent, ultra high net worth) and determine relevant products and services. What’s missing? The scientific measurement of relevant wealth-building behaviors and life experiences …

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