Say “Yes” to Everything or Say “No” to Everything? Which Is It?

Always Say No? Always Say Yes? Which Is It? Warren Buffet is cited for the wisdom that “the difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”  Over the years I’ve heard any number of snippets of advice from Mr. Buffet and I have to concede that I usually find myself nodding in agreement with his folksy, common-sense perspective. It’s hard to argue with his …
You’ve probably spent time thinking about how you might improve your health, career, finances, family, spirituality, or another essential element of your life. During this contemplation, you may inevitably conclude that a change is required. Many readers of our blog and books share a common problem: they acknowledge a change is necessary (either for themselves or their client), but they also instinctively know that making the needed change will be tough. Why? First, Let’s …
Friendships need to be cared for like any other precious resource in life. A recent article in USA Today provided a good argument for the fostering and care of friendships. The author cites the importance of ongoing friendships in that they can positively impact life and health: Smarter friends make us smarter; more social friends make us more outgoing; healthy friends make us more health conscious. Who they are becomes part of us. The article left me …

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