A Partnership for Financial Wellness

Last updated on August 5th, 2020 at 10:47 am

One of the main missions of DataPoints is to help individuals improve the way in which they manage their financial lives using behavioral science. This mission has two important components: first, we have to understand our own patterns of money-related behaviors, personality, attitudes, and other characteristics as a starting point (our financial psychology). Then, if we have the desire to change our financial trajectory, we have to modify the way in which we save, spend, invest, and manage our resources. 

That last component, the change component, is often the challenging piece. And, many of us would benefit from working directly with a financial coach to help us modify how we manage our money-related responsibilities. Others would benefit from the detailed assistance of a financial counselor to help educate us and get us on the right track starting with the basics.

To that end, I’m delighted to announce that DataPoints and the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education® (AFCPE®) are forming a partnership to blend together fintech tools designed to identify financial characteristics with the leader in financial education, coaching, and counseling certification. You can read more about our partnership in our press release here. 

The AFCPE® is committed to helping all individuals improve their financial lives, and more importantly their life as a whole as an outcome of new money habits, attitudes, and behaviors. I had the pleasure of attending their conference last November, and meeting the men and women who serve others through the work they do. Many AFCPE members serve nonprofit organizations, the military, as well as other organizations who serve individuals through financial counseling, education, and coaching. 

As part of our partnership, DataPoints users will have discounted access to training and certification through the AFCPE for both their financial coaching and financial counseling certifications. 

DataPoints users will also have discounted AFCPE membership. Here’s a bit of insight on what it means to belong to the AFCPE:

  • AFCPE Membership is the intersection of financial education, research, and practice bringing together a diverse and inclusive community across the field of personal finance. Membership provides a strong network, free professional development, and discounts and benefits to support your work, build your career, and enhance your impact.

As part of our partnership, AFCPE members will have discounted access to our financial psychology toolkit. In addition to these monetary benefits of the partnership, our organizations will be working together to provide presentations and educational seminars on financial psychology as well as other related topics. 

You can learn more about the AFCPE on their website. We’re excited to partner together to combine financial psychology technology with the rigorous training of AFCPE members. 

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2 thoughts on “A Partnership for Financial Wellness”

  1. What a great partnership! As a long time AFCPE member and someone who enjoys and appreciates DataPoints work, I am looking forward to seeing this partnership progress.

  2. Pingback: Comparing Financial Psychology and Behavioral Finance

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