Big Data & Relationships

How does Netflix market to you? In an article in Fortune magazine, the vice-president of product for Netflix highlighted a growing perspective on the limitations of demographics and focused instead on taste and interests: “Geography, age, and gender? We put that in the garbage heap,” VP of product Todd Yellin said. Instead, viewers are grouped into “clusters” almost exclusively by common taste, and their Netflix homepages highlight the relatively small slice of content that matches …
Using an arbitrary minimum asset level for clients unduly limits the market for financial services providers to those who have already “made it,” and ignores the substantial number of prospects that are ultimately headed for financial success. For advisors, using minimums often means excluding the coveted Millennial group because they do not meet asset requirements . . . yet. So why does the industry continue to focus on current asset levels? Defining target markets by …
Always a teacher, my father loved uncovering hidden trends in the economy, in consumer behavior, and in marketing research, and then sharing them with others. He loved reading articles in newspapers, cutting them out, making notes all over the margins, and then turning those findings into essays on how individuals approach money. I would share articles and summaries from academic journals with him, and (after grading them) he would relate their scientific findings to …
Distrust and caution are the parents of security. – Benjamin Franklin Data Points measures skepticism in relationship to one’s overall Wealth Potential™: it is positively related to net worth regardless of age, income and percentage of wealth inherited. So, those who have the greatest potential for accumulating wealth are also those who will most likely question everything with respect to how they (or you) manage and invest money. In one of our latest studies, within a sample of …

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