Inter-generational Wealth Transfer Woes

A hot topic in the financial advisory space—or maybe more accurately a sore subject—is the high rate of attrition of heirs when clients die and leave their managed wealth to beneficiaries. We have discussed this topic before, noting that a host of factors are at play including critical features like communication with the family-economic unit, relationship building, and personal differences resulting from a generational divide between the heirs and the advisor. But at the end …
All of the studies and resulting data that have looked at the issue appear to agree that client behavioral management is one of—if not the most—important functions of financial advisors. In one of the seminal research studies—although not technically an inquiry into the role of financial advisors in relation to client behavioral management—the researchers concluded that of all the activities undertaken by large corporate pension fund managers, strategic portfolio allocation accounted for on average 93.6% …
What does it take to build wealth over time? I was fortunate to work with Dr. John Grable and Michelle Kruger from the University of Georgia’s financial planning performance lab on a research paper examining that topic, and the research was featured in the January edition of the Journal of Financial Service Professionals. The study used DataPoints’ proprietary list of financial tasks, which is based in part on the behaviors and habits documented in the 40+ …
We’re delighted to announce the release of the new DataPoints behavioral finance platform. Built from the ground up with feedback from financial advisors, their clients, and industry leaders, the DataPoints platform puts the power of behavioral science in the hands of advisors to strengthen client relationships and improve financial results. DataPoints has created a library of assessments that holistic financial advisors can use to engage and generate prospects, assess client money behaviors and attitudes, and impact …
Family/marital issues, health issues, grief, religion: just a few of the non-financial topics that advisors work through with their clients. A few years ago, a large-scale study of advisors yielded a wealth of information on the evolving role of financial advisors as coaches (Dubofsky & Sussman, 2009). The research, which included approximately 1,400 advisors associated with either the FPA or CFP board, highlighted the topics, challenges, and critical incidents faced by advisors related to non-financial …

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